Vince says (10:40 PM):
i got my fish!
breezyland says (10:40 PM):
Vince says (10:41 PM):
she's very cute
Vince says (10:41 PM):
i knew i was going to choose her
Vince says (10:41 PM):
coz she was blowing bubbles at me
breezyland says (10:41 PM):
breezyland says (10:41 PM):
wat color
Vince says (10:41 PM):
whitish gold/orange with red fins
breezyland says (10:42 PM):
Vince says (10:50 PM):
she keeps looking at me
Vince says (10:50 PM):
so hard to take pic of her
breezyland says (10:50 PM):
breezyland says (10:50 PM):
wait for her to fall asleep
breezyland says (10:50 PM):
how much is it
Vince says (10:50 PM):
25 dollars
Vince says (10:50 PM):
got cheaper one oso
Vince says (10:50 PM):
but i didn't get that
breezyland says (10:51 PM):
it wants to fight with u
Vince says (10:51 PM):
i think females dun fight
Vince says (10:52 PM):
what shall i name her?
breezyland says (10:52 PM):
breezyland says (10:53 PM):
put another fighting fish in her tank
Vince says (10:53 PM):
im going to tell my boss that i put a female fighting fish in my office
Vince says (10:53 PM):
to neutralise the sales girls'
breezyland says (10:53 PM):
Vince says (10:58 PM):
she's looking at me
breezyland says (10:59 PM):
Vince sends:
Transfer of "P1050187 [800x600].JPG" is complete.
breezyland says (11:01 PM):
how come not as pretty as male fighting fish
breezyland says (11:01 PM):
it looks sleepy
Vince says (11:02 PM):
females dun tend to be so colourful
breezyland says (11:02 PM):
how come no tank
breezyland says (11:02 PM):
Vince says (11:02 PM):
tank tomorrow in office then put
breezyland says (11:02 PM):
i prefer males one more
Vince says (11:02 PM):
tonight is temp
Vince says (11:02 PM):
breezyland says (11:02 PM):
Vince says (11:02 PM):
haha of course you wld
breezyland says (11:02 PM):
no wonder it looks so listless and sad
breezyland says (11:02 PM):
cos u r torturing it!!!
Vince says (11:02 PM):
she's sleepy
breezyland says (11:02 PM):
by keeping it in plastic bag
Vince says (11:02 PM):
im not, she's very active
breezyland says (11:02 PM):
poor fishie
Vince says (11:03 PM):
im gonna pamper her like i pampered mabel
In my novel, Swipe, my main character has a guppy, because it is all he could afford.
Later, that guppy would save his life.
I'm going to tell my boss that I placed a female fighting fish in my office, to counter any fights that I might have with my sales girls.
She's not sleepy. She has insomnia, just like me.
I have named her Felicia, after my current cover girl.
Also, FR, which stands for Ferociously Red, or just plain F.
- END IT -
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