Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation. To help prevent infection by a computer virus or worm, never accept or open any file or link in an instant message until you verify its authenticity with the sender.
Vincent & Felicia R - watch out for piranhas says: (12:09:46 PM)
do you know that it is illegal to keep goldfish in fishbowls in italy
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:09:58 PM)
?? no
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:10:14 PM)
how illegal is that?
Vincent & Felicia R - watch out for piranhas says: (12:10:19 PM)
its cruel
Vincent & Felicia R - watch out for piranhas says: (12:10:23 PM)
goldfish need airators
Vincent & Felicia R - watch out for piranhas says: (12:10:27 PM)
and bigger tanks
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:11:54 PM)
and you can't put airators in fishbowls?
Vincent & Felicia R - watch out for piranhas says: (12:12:11 PM)
they aren't big enough is my guess
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:12:23 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:12:24 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:12:29 PM)
watever they say
Vincent & Felicia R - watch out for piranhas says: (12:12:43 PM)
do you know that most fighting fish just lie at the bottom placidly
Vincent & Felicia R - watch out for piranhas says: (12:12:46 PM)
i always wondered why
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:12:47 PM)
I'm not in italy nor keeping goldfish..
Vincent & Felicia R - watch out for piranhas says: (12:12:58 PM)
at least tts what i observed
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:13:06 PM)
storing energy for the next fight?
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:13:25 PM)
either that or we never saw betta in the wild
Vincent & Felicia R - watch out for piranhas says: (12:13:48 PM)
im going to get Felicia a pet snail
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:14:35 PM)
getting ur pet a pet
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:14:37 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:14:46 PM)
have u petted your pet's pet today?
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:15:31 PM)
to add to that.. pet pet means buttocks in cantonese.. so have u petted your pet's pet's pet pet today?
Vincent & Felicia R - watch out for piranhas says: (12:16:03 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:16:29 PM)
that little snail butt
Vincent & Felicia R - watch out for piranhas says: (12:18:14 PM)
i need to get a spongebob squarepants toy
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:18:27 PM)
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (12:26:59 PM)
Spongebob's sister is named SpongeBra Squarepanties
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:27:43 PM)
not Spongebonnie?
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (12:27:51 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:28:33 PM)
Squarepants being the family name.. I think i
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:29:15 PM)
whole family of 3M dish washing poly urethane blocks
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (12:29:44 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:30:15 PM)
squarepants' family
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (12:30:26 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (12:30:44 PM)
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:27:02 PM)
im afraid to use flash on the fish
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:27:04 PM)
scared i'd blind her
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:27:19 PM)
more like scare her
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:28:21 PM)
you could gradually increase the light around the tank to illuminate her
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:28:34 PM)
so she'll get used to it and you'll have a good exposure
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:28:42 PM)
i don't have that much light
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:28:49 PM)
your camera has a remote control?
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:28:49 PM)
i'll bring a spare lamp in tmr though
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:28:59 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:29:09 PM)
i thought this model has
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:29:11 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:29:12 PM)
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:30:46 PM)
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:30:50 PM)
it has a timer though
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:31:07 PM)
does it do time lapse?
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:31:30 PM)
there's an animation mode
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:31:54 PM)
the timer has a blinker which would alert the fish too.. just thought that a remote might allow u to trigger it when u see a good position without getting too close with sudden movement
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:32:20 PM)
no remote release
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:32:26 PM)
and i'd need flash
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:32:33 PM)
oh well
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:32:35 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:32:46 PM)
no flash
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:32:52 PM)
it'll get hotspots on ur tank
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:39:52 PM)
i cld write a whole book abt these fish
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:40:26 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:40:27 PM)
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:43:47 PM)
there was a movie The following message could not be delivered:
there was a movie
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:49:34 PM)
I seriously need Nutella
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:50:17 PM)
have u heard of 'adaptation
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:50:19 PM)
the movie
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:50:27 PM)
I saw it
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:50:33 PM)
Nicholas Cage
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:50:40 PM)
playing 2 characters
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:51:00 PM)
good one.
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:51:20 PM)
there was a book in it
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:51:25 PM)
about a particular plant and its flower
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:51:43 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:51:48 PM)
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:52:18 PM)
can write book on guppy similar way
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:53:04 PM)
are you a guppy burglar?
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:54:58 PM)
Point is, what's so wonderful is that every one of these flowers has a specific relationship with the insect that pollinates it. There's a certain orchid that looks exactly like a certain insect so the insect is drawn to this flower, its double, its soul mate, and wants nothing more than to make love to it. And after the insect flies off, spots another soul-mate flower and makes love to it, thus pollinating it. And neither the flower nor the insect will ever understand the significance of their lovemaking. I mean, how could they know that because of their little dance the world lives? But it does. By simply doing what they're designed to do, something large and magnificent happens. In this sense they show us how to live - how the only barometer you have is your heart. How, when you spot your flower, you can't let anything get in your way
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:55:33 PM)
how do you know it's your flower
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:56:02 PM)
the attraction.
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (1:56:10 PM)
there's a lot of flowers
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:57:08 PM)
the one that attracts you most within your garden...
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:57:56 PM)
I think it is through many generations of evolution before such perfect matches occur as described.. in the meantime.. we play mix and match.
David (L)Nutella! says: (1:59:53 PM)
need to find my meat now.. hungry
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:00:36 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:01:35 PM)
I believe that both the flower and insect is very beautiful.
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:02:12 PM)
only then can they attract each other.. and only through countless generations of genetic refinement can such beauty be achieved..
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:02:25 PM)
I can't imagine being attracted to a woman that looks like me.
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:08:49 PM)
are you quoting
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:09:05 PM)
not for the last 3 messages
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:09:19 PM)
you'll like the bear community then
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:09:24 PM)
google 'bear community'
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:09:24 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:09:28 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:09:58 PM)
i'm not in the LGBT thing
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:10:29 PM)
they look sufficiently different
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:10:48 PM)
why would I be attracted?
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:11:08 PM)
it's a very remote possibility to me man
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:11:19 PM)
maybe you just haven't met the right bear
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:11:22 PM)
think of it
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:11:30 PM)
no way
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:11:30 PM)
warm, fuzzy, cuddly embrace
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:11:36 PM)
no thank you
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:11:37 PM)
not too warm
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:11:39 PM)
not too cold
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:11:41 PM)
baby bear
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:12:09 PM)
i ain't no goldie friggin locks
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:12:27 PM)
why are you so afraid to show bear love
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:12:52 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:12:53 PM)
I'm not. I just don't have it.
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:12:56 PM)
fuck u\
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:12:56 PM)
ok oh well
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:13:03 PM)
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:13:04 PM)
i don't dig either
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:13:09 PM)
you dig man
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:13:12 PM)
you dig deep
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:13:18 PM)
and then you can find that bear in you
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:13:22 PM)
im wondering if they come in pink
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:13:28 PM)
there you have it
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:13:28 PM)
and maybe size 2 dresses
David (L)Nutella! says: (2:13:39 PM)
pink fuzzy bung hole for u
Vincent & Felicia R will be watching "SpongeBoy, me Bob" tonight says: (2:13:46 PM)
wait, i meant underwear teddies
Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation. To help prevent infection by a computer virus or worm, never accept or open any file or link in an instant message until you verify its authenticity with the sender.
Quietus: says: (10:12:48 AM)
Quietus: says: (10:12:50 AM)
i like ur fish!!!
Quietus: says: (10:12:56 AM)
she's so cute!!!
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:12:57 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:13:03 AM)
i haven't even taken good shots of her!
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:13:04 AM)
Quietus: says: (10:13:06 AM)
so cute!!!
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:13:10 AM)
cute huh
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:13:13 AM)
Quietus: says: (10:13:21 AM)
*nods* got "attitude" manz
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:13:50 AM)
how come?
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:13:55 AM)
i put a mirror in her tank
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:13:59 AM)
she keeps flaring at it
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:14:02 AM)
at her own reflection
Quietus: says: (10:14:47 AM)
of cos lah.. fighting fish leh
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:15:22 AM)
did u have before?
Quietus: says: (10:16:03 AM)
nope.. but i knew pple who kept them lor..
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:16:09 AM)
usually they keep those bluish ones
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:16:12 AM)
i wanted orange
Quietus: says: (10:16:14 AM)
n.. u beat me to it.. cos i was thinking of getting one in office
Quietus: says: (10:16:17 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:16:22 AM)
hahah lets keep together!
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:16:28 AM)
u get a male one
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:16:34 AM)
then we can have fighting fish babies
Quietus: says: (10:17:12 AM)
Quietus: says: (10:17:23 AM)
hope they dont start fighting 1st
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:17:40 AM)
what colour will u get?
Quietus: says: (10:18:12 AM)
my boss wanna get one too.. n we were talking abt placing a piece of card in between them n when we're bored.. we'll remove the card
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:18:34 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:18:37 AM)
just use a mirror like me
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:18:45 AM)
entertains the fish also
Quietus: says: (10:18:47 AM)
i dunno yet.. i choose accordin to the tail.. lol
Quietus: says: (10:18:50 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:18:53 AM)
mine is short tailed
Quietus: says: (10:18:56 AM)
more like entertaining u
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:18:57 AM)
i paid 25 bucks for her
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:19:04 AM)
normally they are quite cheap
Quietus: says: (10:19:07 AM)
urs is a female mah
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:19:13 AM)
male also same price
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:19:14 AM)
at this shop
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:19:19 AM)
overall im very pleased
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:19:23 AM)
i wanna decorate the tank!
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:19:31 AM)
then i wanna add a small crab
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:21:17 AM)
u know how i picked mine
Quietus: says: (10:21:52 AM)
eh.. how?
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:22:03 AM)
i picked the friskiest fish
Quietus: says: (10:22:08 AM)
small crab? wld the fish attack the crab or vice versa?
Quietus: says: (10:22:12 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:22:17 AM)
no i think the crab has armour
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:22:22 AM)
i saw one last night
Quietus: says: (10:22:24 AM)
but i like ur fish
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:23:25 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:23:30 AM)
i like oso
Quietus: says: (10:23:32 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:23:35 AM)
i hope she last longer than my guppies
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:23:39 AM)
and my mini puffer
Quietus: says: (10:23:42 AM)
vee.. i show u a puppy
Quietus: says: (10:23:55 AM)
i fell in love with him
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:23:58 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:23:58 AM)
Quietus: would like to send you the file "DSC00122.JPG" (240 Kb). Transfer time is less than 2 minutes with a 28.8 modem. Do you want to (Ctrl+T) or (Ctrl+D) the invitation?
Quietus: has canceled the file transfer.
Quietus: says: (10:26:39 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:27:00 AM)
eh? cannot see yet
Quietus: says: (10:27:19 AM)
Quietus: says: (10:27:24 AM)
want me to send u instead?
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:27:27 AM)
Quietus: would like to send you the file "DSC00122.JPG" (240 Kb). Transfer time is less than 2 minutes with a 28.8 modem. Do you want to (Ctrl+T) or (Ctrl+D) the invitation?
Transfer of file "DSC00122.JPG" from Quietus: has been accepted. Starting transfer...
You have successfully received DSC00122.JPG from Quietus:. Before opening this file, you may want to scan it with a virus-scanning program.
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:29:52 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:29:54 AM)
so furry!
Quietus: says: (10:30:00 AM)
cute hor~~
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:33:48 AM)
nod nod
Quietus: says: (10:34:12 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:34:23 AM)
for this dog???
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:34:27 AM)
Quietus: says: (10:34:43 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:42:47 AM)
i want to get sea monkeys
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:42:51 AM)
and put them in for her to eat
Quietus: says: (10:43:23 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:43:44 AM)
hee hee
Quietus: says: (10:43:52 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:43:52 AM)
if they will seed properly that is
Quietus: says: (10:43:59 AM)
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:46:21 AM)
she is spending a lot of time preening in front of the mirror
Vincent & Felicia R says: (10:46:22 AM)
Quietus: says: (10:47:46 AM)
Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation. To help prevent infection by a computer virus or worm, never accept or open any file or link in an instant message until you verify its authenticity with the sender.
David (L)Nutella! says: (8:47:09 AM)
feeling betta?
Vincent - FALLING SICK. says: (8:47:14 AM)
Vincent - FALLING SICK. says: (8:47:15 AM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (8:47:21 AM)
Vincent - FALLING SICK. says: (8:47:21 AM)
im in office with my Felicia R
David (L)Nutella! says: (8:48:13 AM)
Vincent & Felicia says: (8:58:12 AM)
really quite hard to take a good pic of her
David (L)Nutella! says: (8:59:16 AM)
Vincent & Felicia says: (8:59:20 AM)
i placed a tiny mirror
Vincent & Felicia says: (8:59:23 AM)
where she flares up at
Vincent & Felicia says: (8:59:30 AM)
but the moment i pu t the camera near
Vincent & Felicia says: (8:59:31 AM)
she stops
David (L)Nutella! says: (9:00:30 AM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (9:07:48 AM)
you should put your camera in position until she gets used to its presence
David (L)Nutella! says: (9:08:03 AM)
along with your trigger finger and wait
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:08:15 AM)
i';ve put a mirror there to make the tank feel larger
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:08:16 AM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (9:08:30 AM)
imagine 4 mirrors..
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:08:38 AM)
she'd freak out
David (L)Nutella! says: (9:08:42 AM)
would that make her feel like bruce lee or jodie foster?
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:12:27 AM)
endless amusement for her
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:13:55 AM)
i picked a particularly frisky fish
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:13:59 AM)
all the others were napping
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:14:03 AM)
this one was blowing bubbles in the water
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:14:08 AM)
and it lookedat t me
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:14:15 AM)
there was another competitor but this one spoke to me
David (L)Nutella! says: (9:15:18 AM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (9:15:31 AM)
she found u
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:16:44 AM)
im going to add a shrimp or tiny crab
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:16:55 AM)
heh. its like home decor, but with a tank
David (L)Nutella! says: (9:16:55 AM)
to fight her?
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:18:17 AM)
not to fight her
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:18:19 AM)
to keep the tank clean
David (L)Nutella! says: (9:18:36 AM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (9:18:43 AM)
fresh water prawn?
David (L)Nutella! says: (9:18:59 AM)
i'd be tempted to sashimi it.
David (L)Nutella! says: (9:19:26 AM)
maybe that's why I don't rear food.
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:22:49 AM)
Vincent & Felicia says: (9:22:51 AM)
rear food!

Felicia R is settled in her new home.
Ask me what the R stands for.
- END IT -
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