There. My beautiful boy, all fixed up.
Riding him is like riding my BMX all over again. Also, it brings a smile to my face. For some reason, the MS feels more suited for long rides - although I feel more comfy after getting off Gina.
The mysteries of man-machine interfaces.
Ah... 3M.
Will ride more later. At many points during a ride, an unsavoury thought will cross my mind. I will say, "Go away, I do not want to think about it."
And that is when I drop the hammer. I find that you cannot be thinking unhappy thoughts and yet also concentrate on staying alive at the same time. The problem is the bar for danger gets raised further and further over time. I'm going to hit a glass ceiling soon.
Who dares ride with me through the 10 Gates of Hell at Haw Par Villa at 2am tonight?
Looks eerie enough?
Then rest your eyes on these:

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