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Garmin drops a phone into the GPS
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:19:36 PM)
holy crap!
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:19:40 PM)
eat dust iphone
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:21:36 PM)
is that my next phone or what
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:21:59 PM)
i think it is :)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:21:59 PM)
the best feature is the where am I function
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:22:07 PM)
i used it
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:22:08 PM)
don't forget snap pic
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:22:10 PM)
and it rocks
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:22:13 PM)
and it records place
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:22:30 PM)
GPS based photo-blogging
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:22:51 PM)
geo-caching i think its called
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:22:55 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:23:09 PM)
but geocaching is more game based
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:23:22 PM)
gps-photo-treasure hunt
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:27:02 PM)
i see one in your future
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:27:10 PM)
beats the nokia hollow
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:27:13 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:27:16 PM)
tell me more
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:27:29 PM)
there is also the Palm 9000 as the contender
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:29:50 PM)
sorry .. blackberry 9000
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:30:12 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:32:49 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:34:37 PM)
new phones has moved from answering "how are you"s to "what is it"s to "where are you"s to "where am I"s...
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:34:41 PM)
what next..
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:35:08 PM)
so two phones can exchange info
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:35:11 PM)
on where each person is?
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:35:54 PM)
no. 3G video conference can tell u where that person is; in a way.
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:36:41 PM)
probably now GPS based phones can also send information where the receiving party is too in terms of geographical locale.
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:36:45 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:36:46 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:36:53 PM)
software idea!
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:36:54 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:38:30 PM)
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:38:32 PM)
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:38:44 PM)
u can send a 'find me' message
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:38:51 PM)
and the other phone will guide her to you
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:39:14 PM)
no.. I mean like during a call, you can receive location information from the other party's phone
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:39:20 PM)
as to where he is
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:39:36 PM)
yes additional feature will be a find me message
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:39:43 PM)
and if you're in a multiple conference call
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:39:52 PM)
people are always using phones to find each other anyway
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:39:57 PM)
you can have different coloured markers for different people
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:39:59 PM)
next time just send an sms
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:40:07 PM)
then the garmin will find you
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:40:14 PM)
and this can be used in geocaching competitions
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:40:28 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:40:34 PM)
SMS is GSM based
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:40:50 PM)
location can only be pinpointed to GSM cell areas
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:41:16 PM)
GPS is satellite based which offer no upload of information via that network
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:41:40 PM)
eh wait
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:41:47 PM)
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:41:47 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:41:54 PM)
stupid me.. sms will include GPS downloaded info..
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:41:59 PM)
the sms can include raw GPS data which the garmin then intepretes
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:41:59 PM)
ok ok
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:42:00 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:42:02 PM)
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:42:07 PM)
think simple :P
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:42:09 PM)
but sms size will increase
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:42:14 PM)
uh, no it won't
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:42:25 PM)
do you really need 32 characcters to describe a location
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:42:28 PM)
sms is sized based on 144 characters
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:42:34 PM)
answer is u dun
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:42:41 PM)
depends on resolution i suppose
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:42:46 PM)
144 is plenty
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:42:48 PM)
location is 12-16 digits
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:43:26 PM)
sending that info with a header for interpretation, the user will feel a definite decrease in usable sms characters
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:43:45 PM)
in chinese sms it's 50 characters
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:43:46 PM)
its just a simple 'find me' sms
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:43:53 PM)
no need for usable sms
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:43:55 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:44:23 PM)
I was thinking of a "find me" option on top of sending a regular sms..
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:45:09 PM)
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:45:11 PM)
just keep it simple
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:45:24 PM)
if u wanna send regular sms then send regular sms
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:45:28 PM)
if u wanna be found send a find me sms
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:45:34 PM)
we first gotta look at compatible file formats to interpret locations based on different brand GPS's
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:45:38 PM)
not everyone wants to be stalked with a regular sms
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:45:55 PM)
my idea is just for 2 garmins to talk to each other
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:45:59 PM)
yes to your last statement.. that's why it's an option
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:46:01 PM)
cross platforms is bulky
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:46:03 PM)
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:46:10 PM)
need to talk to gps applications
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:46:13 PM)
is universal
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:46:15 PM)
need APIs
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:46:27 PM)
not to mention proprietary OS
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:46:28 PM)
no.. just send an universal location file
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:46:39 PM)
they shld put it in Google's Android
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:46:42 PM)
that wld be awesoem
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:46:45 PM)
all phones use common sms file formats
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:46:59 PM)
hmmm im referring to getting the info frm the gps app
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:47:06 PM)
as in auto access
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:47:14 PM)
and then getting the gps to bring u to the coordinates automatically
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:47:21 PM)
yes.. then convert to universal sms format..
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:47:53 PM)
which cross platform users can a) have it readily convertible or b) have coordinates they can input into their gps's
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:48:33 PM)
if they have to input
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:48:39 PM)
then its not so groundbreaking really
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:49:08 PM)
i think is only really applicable on same platform devices
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:49:18 PM)
not manually.. just like on mobile phone instead of selecting delete option, add one option to say "where is he"
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:49:23 PM)
its like the nuviphone's 'where am i' feature
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:49:38 PM)
because not everyone wants to launch the GPS software whenever they receive GPS info
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:49:46 PM)
oh, i doubt consumers wld want to reveal where they are
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:49:52 PM)
like I said
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:49:53 PM)
unless they request it
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:49:56 PM)
an option to send the data
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:50:01 PM)
and option to read the data
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:50:10 PM)
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:50:14 PM)
i wld say its not simple enough
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:50:17 PM)
it has to be dead simple
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:50:31 PM)
lets say
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:50:33 PM)
you're in a mall
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:50:38 PM)
angela is in another part of the mall
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:50:46 PM)
instead of calling each other to find out where u are
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:50:59 PM)
she just picsk up the phone, selects 'find me' and it sends a msg to u
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:51:13 PM)
when u receive it, u automatically see your gps app open and leading u to her
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:51:27 PM)
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:51:28 PM)
if people have to input characters and select options
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:51:33 PM)
they might as well just call
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:51:54 PM)
yeah well. that would call for a specific sms type
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:52:01 PM)
that would launch apps
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:52:02 PM)
not really, just a header tts all like u say
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:52:07 PM)
or a app call code
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:52:32 PM)
yeah.. still an option would ask you if you wish to open the GPS app
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:52:43 PM)
yea ok that too
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:52:50 PM)
fuck man
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:52:53 PM)
you are good
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:53:03 PM)
so where can we write this damn thing
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:53:05 PM)
haha fun idea but how to implement
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:53:17 PM)
u wld need API and SDKs
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:53:35 PM)
yeah SDK from garmin
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:53:41 PM)
or Apple or Blackberry
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:54:27 PM)
not sure if this is also part of the system already
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:54:38 PM)
which I think it should given its usefullness
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:54:59 PM)
well it also depends on the resolution of their gps
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:55:09 PM)
but i suppose generally if u can see each other
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:55:15 PM)
a few meters of resolution is good enough
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:55:17 PM)
all are high these days
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:55:21 PM)
1.5 meters
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:55:35 PM)
using SirfStar III receivers
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:55:42 PM)
u think it cld sell? but its best integrated into the phone's OS actually rather than a seperate app
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:55:48 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:55:53 PM)
sell to Garmin
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:56:08 PM)
ask for a buck of royalty.
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:56:14 PM)
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:56:19 PM)
they cld screw u over
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:56:23 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:56:27 PM)
Vince - 16 minutes on hold says: (6:56:29 PM)
or say, maybe this feature is already in the phones
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:56:33 PM)
we'll need good representation
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:56:37 PM)
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:56:42 PM)
if it is already in it
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:56:42 PM)
if it is already in it
David (L)Nutella! says: (6:56:50 PM)
then you can sell it on handango
A different thread
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