Memory is a funny thing.
Flashes of the mysterious, unreachable, keep coming to me.
Perhaps a sign of early-onset Alzheimers?
Anyhow, I saw a tall tanned dark eyed girl in a red spaghetti top and dark acid skinny jeans today.
And just like that, I've been tripping, all day long.
Not just one trip.
I am breaking loose.
Hello, Haruki Murakami.
In other news, my intern is great. My boss made her cry today, but she refused to tell me what Boss said, plus soldiered on like a real veteran.
She had tears rolling down a bit while I was telling her how to fix it. But a straight face nonetheless. And she cried for maybe another half hour... Sniffed anyway. I know she only wants to write. She told me in her first week that she didn't know what she wanted to do with her life. That's why she ended up in MCM.
Sounds like me, only I dropped out and she stayed on.
Am terribly fond of her.
If I had known someone like her this way while I was in Mass Comm so many years ago, I might not have dropped out. But those days were so different ...
Even back in 1993, media was shallow, and even more so MCM students. I mean c'mon... it was the 90's. Everyone was tripping over each other to get into the industry. Radio TV and publishing was hot and the bubble hadn't burst yet. PR didnt' even exist on the career map.
Well, where are all my ex-classmates now?
So when one day in life I meet people in media who aren't, why, I just have to hang on to them. These are the people who are in it for the real thing. And I know enough people who have been into anything for the right reasons...
In other other news,
I am looking for a permanent writer, on retainer-basis. Pays 1k a month and writes 10 articles or so. Stable income. Learn as you go. Medical students who are brilliant enough to cope with schoolwork and freelance magazine writing, please apply.
Send me letters.
Okay, okay. This is the Film Lab. You want a pic don't you? What's in it for you?
Froot Loops. It ain't all gravy, but you do get a sugar rush.
A rush of some kind, shape or form anyway.
Or at least fortified fibre. Lots of fibre. Not necessarily fibre you enjoy, and definitely not blue-coloured Froot Loop fibre (least not in the box I have), but yea, fibre of some kind. Maybe even moral.
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:13 PM):
im going to tell sila we upload everything by 3 on monday
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:14 PM):
u generate new pdf for all my amended files and i print for the girls to approve before 12
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:14 PM):
on monday.
yippy! says (11:14 PM): tell sila by 5pm la..
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:15 PM):
haha ok
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:15 PM):
i will
yippy! says (11:15 PM):
there's few ads not in yet leh..
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:15 PM):
editort's note oso uploaded?
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:16 PM):
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:16 PM):
which ones?
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:16 PM):
how come Mace never tell me
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:16 PM):
they very good lah
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:16 PM):
during meeting with Peggy
yippy! says (11:16 PM):
editor's note..i haven do ah
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:16 PM):
she never ask
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:16 PM):
so they never say
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:16 PM):
but those articles of mine not in she notice on flatplan,
yippy! says (11:16 PM):
i'm wrinting an email..
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:16 PM):
she say me... then they keep quiet abt their ads not in
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:17 PM):
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:17 PM):
then after they left her room
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:17 PM):
she say, eh their ads not all in, they also keep quiet
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:17 PM):
she knows... she never ask only
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:17 PM):
how many ads ar?
yippy! says (11:21 PM):
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:21 PM):
whose are they?
yippy! says (11:21 PM):
2 mace, 1 joey
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:22 PM):
best... lol. u know during our ed meeting peggy say why my cover story not in etc etc.... they sign 6 issues with us.
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:22 PM):
all the sales oso keep quiet
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:22 PM):
i think they like that the pressure is on me as long as its off them
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:22 PM):
its okay though.... i oso know how it feels...
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:22 PM):
but when peggy ask them
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:23 PM):
mace say, only resizing needed....
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:23 PM):
never mention that ad not in.
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:23 PM):
lol... aiyoh.
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:23 PM):
they are so cute.
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:23 PM):
ok im going to sleep.
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:23 PM):
tmr i will upload everything back to u, then sms u when im done
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:23 PM):
except editor's note
Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. says (11:23 PM):
and QnA
Also, I am a supreme asshole tonight.
28/6/2008 12:04:56 AM Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. David (L)Nutella! . If I give you the right story, that story will give you a judging system, to tell what is wrong and what is right.
28/6/2008 12:09:10 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - Hello, Haruki Murakami. just had an ultra rich hot choc
28/6/2008 12:09:43 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! suh-weet.
28/6/2008 12:09:50 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! i just endured a bout of loneliness.
28/6/2008 12:13:35 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." yeah
28/6/2008 12:13:35 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." literally
28/6/2008 12:13:37 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." a bout?
28/6/2008 12:13:39 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." hahaha
28/6/2008 12:13:41 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." that's funny
28/6/2008 12:14:04 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." I wonder how to describe the length of loneliness I have here.
28/6/2008 12:14:18 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! describe it as you chose it
28/6/2008 12:14:34 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! and relate it to what you gained from it
28/6/2008 12:15:43 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." gain peace
28/6/2008 12:15:49 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." length.. as long as it takes
28/6/2008 12:16:38 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." thing is Murakami has capital..
28/6/2008 12:16:47 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." he could afford 4 years in Princeton
28/6/2008 12:17:00 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." and his dad being in religion.. is always profitable
28/6/2008 12:17:03 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! that is not true.
28/6/2008 12:17:25 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! you have to dig deeper. i haven't yet, but if you do you won't find it so easy.
28/6/2008 12:17:41 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." I'm not saying it's easy.. but he had tools
28/6/2008 12:17:47 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! everyone has tools
28/6/2008 12:17:51 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! you have tools.
28/6/2008 12:17:54 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." oh well
28/6/2008 12:17:58 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." yeah
28/6/2008 12:18:01 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." and talent then
28/6/2008 12:18:02 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." :)
28/6/2008 12:18:02 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! some people make tools out of their ass.
28/6/2008 12:18:07 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." definitely the turning point
28/6/2008 12:18:09 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! i suppose that's my only choice.
28/6/2008 12:18:16 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! tts why i ride so much.
28/6/2008 12:18:27 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." get out on your ass much?
28/6/2008 12:18:35 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! ride to work everyday.
28/6/2008 12:18:59 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! comparison of tools
28/6/2008 12:19:01 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." if I rode ass much ass you.. I guess I'd be a good rider too.
28/6/2008 12:19:10 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! compare what anyone has spent, in life so far
28/6/2008 12:19:16 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! totals vs totals
28/6/2008 12:19:20 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! then we talk tools.
28/6/2008 12:19:33 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." talent is the multiplier
28/6/2008 12:19:41 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." that cannot be denied
28/6/2008 12:19:50 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." same tools.. different multiplier
28/6/2008 12:19:56 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! inheritance is a basic tool
28/6/2008 12:20:11 AM Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." David (L)Nutella! im going to sleep.
28/6/2008 12:20:20 AM David (L)Nutella! Vince - "When you want a tiger's cub, you have to enter the tiger's den." nightnight
Parse the code, because I can't be arsed to.
Damn, I am mean to this guy. But seriously, what he has spent in his life, compared to mine -- how can you even begin to compare???
His wedding alone was more than what I've spent in my life since I graduated.
What the fuck can.
So if he is lonely today, whose fault is that?
Resources, check.
Opportunities, check.
Self-pity, uh, that's one thing he doesn't get to enjoy.
He is now moving in circles beyond me.
He needs to solve his problems on a level above mine.
I am unforgiving until I am in the same situation.
I am exactly as shallow as I want to be.
How would it change my life if you walked away?
Same difference.
- END IT -
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