Saturday, 7 June 2008

My Sigma computer up and died for no damn good reason. I went back to the shop and Ben gave me a new Cateye Strada. Purty. And Wesley the mechanic heard about my chainsuck woes and shortened the chain by 2 links.

It worked. Less chain slap and no more suck.

Meanwhile, the Cube frames at Ben's shop gave me an idea.

Meanwhile, colours orange and purple have been on my mind.

And I got my dad to buy me a mini torch for Gina's survival kit.

In other news, I slapped on the cranks that my friend Victor gave me after I told him my chainrings were killing me.

I had to buy a new front dee (long overdue) and new 8-speed cassette (tried to make do but the chain kept skipping on cog 4).

But its worth it. Think I was fast before?

48 to 11 cog chain combo. I shaved the commute to work time by 2 minutes.

When I shift my chain onto the Big Ring, I mentally tell myself, time to hit the Turbo. Let the fans blow, baby, blow.

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Lose the ring. Throw the grenade.

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